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City of LaBelle, Florida

No Local Building Department

City of LaBelle, Florida does not have an internal / local building department. Hendry County Permitting County is the department that manages building departments for City of LaBelle.

Hendry County Permitting County
Building Authority Municipality
Authority Name City of LaBelle
Parent County Hendry County, Florida
Phone Numbers
Email Addresses Unavailable
Postal Addresses
  • Mailing Address
    PO Box 458 - 80 Euclid Pl
    LaBelle, Florida 33975

We do our best to keep this information as accurate as possible. We do not guarantee the information displayed as accurate, and we offer no warranty regarding data accuracy.

If you find any inaccuracies, please let us know so we may take corrective action. Building departments can and do update their phone numbers, email addresses, and websites over time.